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Columbus & Central Ohio, United States
DeLena Ciamacco is a well-known, respected Top Producing Realtor in Central Ohio. Her myriad of accomplishments, recognition, and professional credentials as they relate to Real Estate, make her a perfect individual to provide insight to the masses on all aspects of Real Estate sales. Her creativity and honest approach to marketing Real Estate has enabled her to succeed in her career. DeLena’s philosophy is “An educated and well prepared Buyer or Seller is a smart Buyer or Seller”. Her desire is to inform the public, by pulling from her 20+ years of Real Estate sales & Marketing, what is necessary to get to a successful closing in these challenging times.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

For richer or poorer: Don't let newlywed bliss turn into financial nightmare

"Communication is a key part of a strong marriage, and it's also the basis for a strong financial partnership," says Barrett Burns, president and CEO of VantageScore Solutions. "Being proactive before and planning ahead of the wedding while sticking to a financial plan will help guard against common financial mistakes that can occur early in a couple's life together."

To start your new life together with a strong financial foundation, check off a few important money to-dos before you say "I do!"

1. Have the debt talk

All couples must have the debt talk. It may not be romantic, but it is necessary in order to plan a bright future together. Be open and honest about debt, savings and spending habits, even if they are less than perfect.

Financial turmoil is one of the top reasons cited for divorce, so understanding each other's finances today and what goals you have for the future will help reduce stress on your partnership. With the average college student graduating with $26,600 in student loan debt, according to The Project on Student Debt, young couples need to create a plan for managing debt and saving for the future.

2. Control wedding spending

The "big day" is a defining moment in life, but it's important for couples to remember it's just one day of many that they will spend together. Weddings and related events cost a whopping $28,427 on average, according to, and that doesn't even include the honeymoon.

"When it comes to young couples planning a dream wedding, the plastic tends to be relied upon," says Burns. "It's important to be realistic about how much you can spend. Becoming over extended on credit cards is a common mistake, and this type of high-interest debt is not the wisest way to begin your lives together."

The best course of action when it comes to wedding planning is to create a budget and stick to it. It's not necessarily bad to use credit, especially if you can take advantage of a credit card rewards program, but Burns advises only charging or borrowing what you know you can pay back in a reasonable amount of time as keeping high balances and missing payments can have significantly negative impacts on your credit score, which in turn leads to stress.

3. Work together to build a positive credit profile

Married couples do not have joint credit files or credit scores. Each individual has their credit files with the credit reporting companies and their own credit scores, but in some cases like when joint accounts and co-signed loans are created, the actions of one can impact the other.

"It's common for younger people who are just beginning their financial independence to not have much, if any, credit history. It's important to be proactive and take steps to build a positive credit profile and score so you can demonstrate to lenders that you are a good manager of credit," says Burns.

Get a copy of your credit report and resolve any issue you may have with the information presented in it. If you have a limited credit history, carefully consider the benefits of joint accounts, but keep in mind that the positive financial actions like paying bills on-time and keeping balances low, as well as actions that can have negative impacts like missing payments will influence the couples' individual credit scores.

"The importance of paying bills on time cannot be understated," says Burns. "A single missed payment can drop each person's credit score 80 to 100 points. This can affect a couple's ability to get the best interest rates and terms for a loan."

Another important step in building credit after a marriage is to make sure that all financial lenders are aware of name changes. "If you choose to change your name after you are married, make sure all your accounts have your current information, otherwise positive actions may not get reported correctly or in a timely manner," Burns says.

4. Shop around for rates

"Whether you're taking out a personal loan or selecting a credit card, you absolutely must shop around for rates," advises Burns. "Don't just take the easiest or first option. You want to get the best deal available with low interest rates and reasonable terms."

When shopping for rates, Burns notes to do so within a two week period of time. Credit inquiries from auto and mortgage lenders and credit cards issued from banks and credit unions are only counted once if done in a two week period causing just a slight decrease to credit scores.

Finally, couples soon to be married or those that recently were married can also test their knowledge about credit scores at, a website created by VantageScore Solutions and its partner, Consumer Federation of America, one of the largest consumer advocates in the country.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


March 2016

Included in this blog post is a link to my Real Estate Update Newsletter. Please click on the link below to get the latest Real Estate Update for March! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to call or email my office. 


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Hiring tips to help avoid nanny nightmares

(BPT) - Movie nannies might work for a spoonful of sugar, and hugs and kisses, but in the real world nannies - no matter how loving and attentive they are - need to get paid a salary. When you're ready to hire a nanny, you can go through the most rigorous background checks, confirm references, interview extensively and hire the caregiver of your dreams - and still find yourself in the middle of a nanny nightmare if you run afoul of tax laws.

Fortunately, online payroll services can help take the confusion out of paying your nanny, and ensure he or she gets paid on time and according to the law. Although nanny-hiring goes on year round, many more families may undertake the task as the school year gets started. SurePayroll offers some tips for hiring and paying a nanny:

* Make a list of nanny must-haves, such as schedule availability, disciplinary practices, experience with multiple kids, etc. Next, create a list of preferences that are negotiable. Setting your priorities before you begin looking for a nanny will help you make the right decision.

* Involve others, including people whose referrals you trust, such as family members, friends, teachers and co-workers. Ask them for help in finding candidates, and don't forget to involve your kids. Give them a few minutes to meet each nanny candidate during the interview; after all, they'll be the ones most affected by your choice.

* Remember, you're entering a business relationship - albeit one of the most important ones in your life. Keep things professional during the interview and be sure to ask all the tough questions about topics that are important to your family.

* Don't overlook online resources and professional organizations. Selection services like SitterCity can help you identify and screen appropriate candidates, and the International Nanny Association provides information, advice and a directory on its website. Be sure to use background checks, which can easily be done online, check multiple references and personally interview every candidate at least once before making a final decision.

* Discuss wages and base your offer on the nanny's level of experience and what other nannies in your area are getting. Federal law requires nannies must get at least minimum wage, and they may be entitled to overtime.

* Prepare paperwork to ensure you can avoid tax penalties. You'll need a 1040-ES, a signature-ready Schedule H, the annual 1040 and a W-2. If you pay a seasonal nanny more than $1,000 per quarter or $2,000 per year, you'll probably need to pay the "Nanny Tax," which includes Social Security, Medicare and federal unemployment tax (FUTA).

* Set up payroll for your nanny, and plan to pay him or her by either direct deposit or check. You'll need to make provisions to pay Social Security, Medicare, FUTA and other payroll taxes, including any state or local taxes that may apply. Track tax deductions, medical benefits and other insurance. Remember, mistakes can cost you: failing to pay the IRS nanny taxes can lead to back taxes, penalties, interest and fines of up to $25,000.

An online payroll provider like SurePayroll can help you stay on the right side of the law by managing the pay, tax and filing tasks for your nanny. Log on to to learn more.

"Your nanny will be one of the most important people in your family's lives," Bolas notes. "It's important to start off on the right foot with good communication and ensuring payroll tasks go smoothly."

A fun approach to teaching kids nutrition wisdom

"The more parents can do to involve children in the process, the decisions on what they are eating and where their food comes from, the better off they will be at helping them learn reverence and appreciation for food," says Anni Daulter, professional cook, nutrition expert, and author of several books, including "The Organic Family Cookbook."

Here are some simple yet effective tips from Daulter to get your kids excited about nutrition and help them make good food choices:

1. Make mealtime special

"In our fast-paced lives, we have somehow lost the concept that eating is not just about the actual food. It's about the connection, the time spent enjoying every bite, laughing, talking and sharing. Our families need this time together," Daulter says.

Create a routine. Consider starting dinner at a similar time each night. Designate different nights for different types of meals, such as vegetarian Monday, or make-your-own pizza Saturdays. Have children help with the meal prep and cleanup, if age-appropriate. Light a candle during dinner, and allocate plenty of time for conversation - it's one of the best ways to bond with loved ones.

2. Adopt a healthy morning routine

While most families are time-crunched on weekday mornings, it's important to make time for breakfast so kids get the nutrition they need before heading to school. Healthy breakfasts incorporate whole grains, protein, fresh fruit, and supplements that support brain and body health.

"Supplements can be an easy way for mom and dad to ensure that their children get the important nutrients they need, especially during busy mornings," says Daulter. "I recommend giving kids a boost of brain-building nutrition with a kid-friendly omega-3 supplement. I like chewable, strawberry-flavored Nordic Naturals Children's DHA. This essential nutrient is brain food, proven to support brain growth and health. Additionally, omega-3s support a healthy immune and nervous system, too."

3. Create tasty school lunches

"When your children are fed better, they learn better," says Daulter. "Their bodies react to being fed good pure foods that give them the fuel they need to get through each and every school day."

Save time by making lunches the night before or do a big Sunday cut-and-chop day for raw ingredients throughout the week. Here is a sample of what you'll find in Daulter's children's lunch baskets:

Black Bean Soup Lunch

* Classic Caesar salad

* Homemade wheat parmesan chips

* Raw: Asian pears and clementines

4. Have healthy snacks on hand

"Kids bodies tend to be more in tune with their internal signals and they inherently seem to know that they need more little meals throughout the day, rather than three big meals," Daulter says. "Eating smaller portions frequently throughout the day provides more energy when we need it and is easier for our bodies to digest."

Daulter keeps several small kids tables throughout the house so her children can nibble on snacks while they continue to play. What sorts of things does she like to feed her kids for snacks? Nuts, homemade fruit roll-ups, pumpkin seeds, veggie popcorn, fresh fruits, carrot sticks, and cheese are all healthful snacks that keep kids' bellies full.

5. Teach healthy eating habits through activity

"My kids and their friends love to cook and help us prepare meals, and the more we include them in the process, the more invested they become in their own health," says Daulter.

You may be surprised by how excited your children get by being involved in the entire meal process. When you go to the grocery store or farmers market, have children help pick out veggies. If you grow your own, let them pick the produce and help wash, peel and prep it for meals.

"Even the youngest child can help mix in flour for fresh bread or learn to whip her own honey butter," says Daulter. "These tasty teachings will not only give them practical and valuable life skills, but will leave them with loving memories of family cooking days that were spent laughing, creating, and of course, eating!"

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Couples who design together, stay together

Paint is prime

Adding a splash of color (or two, or three) is a low-cost way to liven up the blank canvas of your home. While neutral colors are ideal for selling your home, living with them might be a different story. If you want to evoke emotion, establish visual intrigue or set a certain mood, color is the best way to get the job done.

And you don't have to stick with just one color throughout your home. Highlight an accent wall in your living room with a darker shade or apply a funky wallpaper print. Or, paint your kitchen red with shades like Crisp Crimson or Rocket Red from Dutch Boy, as it increases appetite and elevates passion, perfect for a romantic dinner for two. Purples such as Plumes or Merlot Grape, also from Dutch Boy, have been known to induce passion, ideal choices for a couple's bedroom.

Art and soul

Bringing artistic elements into the space is an easy way to add personal flair. From wall decor and blown glass accents to picture frames and candles, no decorative piece is too small to make a big impact. Display items in groups of three for a dramatic display. Candleholders or vases in varying heights or complementary color schemes can marry two styles easily, and pairing a gothic frame with a softer, lace-applique can actually bring great dimension to an overlooked nook of the home.

Just because you're a fan of Monet and your partner prefers Picasso, that doesn't mean you can't proudly display your favorite pieces for all to enjoy. While Picasso's pieces seem more abrupt and geometric, by combining with larger, softer pieces from an impressionist painter like Monet, you can actually blend the two artistic styles seamlessly.

The perfect mix

Don't be afraid to mix various textures and patterns. This will add dimension to the space, transforming a flat and otherwise boring look into a world of wonderment. First, pick a main color you want to focus on, which will be the anchor color for the space. Let's say you choose blue for this role. Lay all blue fabrics on the floor - window treatments, rugs, pillows and blankets. You'll immediately notice some that seem out of place. Remove these from the pile and you'll begin to notice an interesting cohesion among the remaining fabrics. Next, you'll want to incorporate a complementary color. If blue is your anchor color, add hints of orange to the mix for a playful pop.

Also, be mindful of the pattern's scale. If you have too many large scale patterns in one space, they will be competing with each other, adding unnecessary drama. Keeping it to just one large scale print and several mix-and-match small and medium scale prints will create perfect harmony. In terms of texture, pairing coarse fabrics with smooth variants will add yet another level of dimension to the space. While too many coarse items can seem overbearing, by adding some softer, more feminine textures you can actually create an interesting, eye-provoking combination.

Taking the time to blend your and your mate's style preferences can be a rewarding experience. Throughout the process you'll learn his or her likes and dislikes while having fun in the process, creating a stronger, more unified couple. And by playing around with colors, textures and patterns, the end result will be a well-designed joint space that stimulates the senses from start to finish.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Surprising ways hot tubs heat up relationships

(BPT) - On average, working adults spend less than an hour per day socializing and relaxing, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistic's American Time Use Survey. Yet a host of research - and common sense - tells us that spending time together in a social, relaxing way is essential to building and maintaining healthy relationships.

Recreating that spark or special connection with your spouse or significant other, free from the distractions of everyday life, isn't as difficult as you may think. The answer can actually be found in your own backyard when you add a hot tub to your outdoor living space.

The therapeutic benefits of hot tubs are well documented - 79 percent of owners say they value the therapeutic health benefits their hot tubs present, according to a survey by the Association of Pool & Spa Professionals (APSP) - but many owners point to another significant benefit: the ability to spend more time with their partners.

Seventy-seven percent of owners say their hot tub is one of the few things that can truly take them away from the day-to-day stresses of life and allow them to reconnect with their partner.

Here are three surprising ways hot tubs can add some spice to your relationship:

* No distractions

The relaxed atmosphere of a hot tub promotes meaningful interaction, owners reveal. Hot tub owners typically say they use their hot tubs as a way to connect, and 82 percent say they are extremely satisfied with the level of relaxation it provides. Relaxing together outdoors, enjoying nature and each other's company without the distraction of ever-present digital devices, is a great way for couples to rediscover the things that drew them together in the first place.

* Stress soothing

Life can be pretty stressful. Countless studies tell us that too much stress is harmful on a number of levels - physically, mentally and socially. Common stressors such as money are leading causes of strife in marriages and even lead to divorce. The warm water and effervescence of hot tubs relieve stress and soothe sore muscles, allowing couples to refocus on what's most important in their lives: each other.

* The vacation effect

Something about vacation spells romance for couples; more than one getaway has led to a new addition to the family nine months later. While taking a trip more than once or twice a year isn't always practical - the average American family spends about $1,180 per person on vacation travel according to an American Express survey - a hot tub can create the vacation effect in your own backyard, and allow you to experience that special feeling of romance every day.

Spicing up your relationship begins with the right tub, and finding the right hot tub starts with a professional you can trust. APSP Certified Professionals adhere to the highest standards of service, performance and ethical conduct. Visit the APSP website to find a professional near you.

Create an outdoor sanctuary in your backyard

(BPT) - Coming home from a long work day to a place of peace, quiet, relaxation and even harmony is a dream for many homeowners. And by creating an outdoor sanctuary in the backyard, this private place of solace will become the first destination for all members of the family when they need a break.

Backyard sanctuaries incorporate peace of mind with a spa-like atmosphere. Some do this with plant features, others with water. Here are some tips to build an outdoor sanctuary in your own backyard.

1. Create a walkway - A beautiful walkway around your backyard, through different scenic zones, can help you to clear your mind of troubled thoughts. This walkway can be a paved path, or composed of stepping stones or gravel and woodchips. Consider planting different gardens close to the walkway, inviting walkers to immerse themselves within the blooms and scents wafting from the flowers.

2. Incorporate a seating area - This space doesn't have to be large, but give it a sense of ambiance with an arbor made of cedar to allow plants to grow taller, or a pergola to provide shade and that wonderful natural aroma that cedar gives off. Natural materials like Western Red Cedar weather naturally, and are rot-resistant, giving homeowners a durable and long-lasting material to enjoy for years to come.

"Using Western Red Cedar for backyard sanctuary seating areas gives homeowners a variety of design options to work around," says Mark Clement, a building expert and co-host of "My Fix It Up Life" which airs nationally on iTunes, Blog Talk Radio and "This wood is sustainable, environmentally friendly, easy to work with, ages beautifully, and, when incorporated into an arbor or pergola design, makes a stunning visual element to the space."

In this seating space, place a bench, outdoor patio furniture or even comfortable lawn chairs to encourage family members to stop for a rest and settle their thoughts for the day. If the family is into yoga or meditation, consider keeping mats in a nearby storage container for quick and easy access.

3. Design for both night and day - Sometimes a sanctuary space is most needed when the moon is shining brightly. Plan for this with a lighting design in the backyard. Provide illumination to pathways, the deck area, and in garden clusters to give a new sense of beauty to the plants. When designing your lighting scheme, be careful to avoid creating any scary shadows. If you notice this occurring, adjust the lighting to come from a different direction, or try using a different light. Also consider what form of light you would like. Would you prefer low watt electric lights, or candlelight, which would require a person to spend time preparing?

Once your backyard sanctuary is built, your family will have a place handy where they can escape for some peace of mind.

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